Source code for cmdstanpy.cmdstan_args

CmdStan arguments
import os
from enum import Enum, auto
from time import time
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import RandomState

from cmdstanpy import _TMPDIR
from cmdstanpy.utils import (

OptionalPath = Union[str, os.PathLike, None]

class Method(Enum):
    """Supported CmdStan method names."""

    SAMPLE = auto()
    OPTIMIZE = auto()
    VARIATIONAL = auto()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return '<%s.%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,

[docs]class SamplerArgs: """Arguments for the NUTS adaptive sampler.""" def __init__( self, iter_warmup: Optional[int] = None, iter_sampling: Optional[int] = None, save_warmup: bool = False, thin: Optional[int] = None, max_treedepth: Optional[int] = None, metric: Union[ str, Dict[str, Any], List[str], List[Dict[str, Any]], None ] = None, step_size: Union[float, List[float], None] = None, adapt_engaged: bool = True, adapt_delta: Optional[float] = None, adapt_init_phase: Optional[int] = None, adapt_metric_window: Optional[int] = None, adapt_step_size: Optional[int] = None, fixed_param: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize object.""" self.iter_warmup = iter_warmup self.iter_sampling = iter_sampling self.save_warmup = save_warmup self.thin = thin self.max_treedepth = max_treedepth self.metric = metric self.metric_type: Optional[str] = None self.metric_file: Union[str, List[str], None] = None self.step_size = step_size self.adapt_engaged = adapt_engaged self.adapt_delta = adapt_delta self.adapt_init_phase = adapt_init_phase self.adapt_metric_window = adapt_metric_window self.adapt_step_size = adapt_step_size self.fixed_param = fixed_param self.diagnostic_file = None
[docs] def validate(self, chains: Optional[int]) -> None: """ Check arguments correctness and consistency. * adaptation and warmup args are consistent * if file(s) for metric are supplied, check contents. * length of per-chain lists equals specified # of chains """ if not isinstance(chains, int) or chains < 1: raise ValueError( 'Sampler expects number of chains to be greater than 0.' ) if not ( self.adapt_delta is None and self.adapt_init_phase is None and self.adapt_metric_window is None and self.adapt_step_size is None ): if self.adapt_engaged is False: msg = 'Conflicting arguments: adapt_engaged: False' if self.adapt_delta is not None: msg = '{}, adapt_delta: {}'.format(msg, self.adapt_delta) if self.adapt_init_phase is not None: msg = '{}, adapt_init_phase: {}'.format( msg, self.adapt_init_phase ) if self.adapt_metric_window is not None: msg = '{}, adapt_metric_window: {}'.format( msg, self.adapt_metric_window ) if self.adapt_step_size is not None: msg = '{}, adapt_step_size: {}'.format( msg, self.adapt_step_size ) raise ValueError(msg) if self.iter_warmup is not None: if self.iter_warmup < 0 or not isinstance(self.iter_warmup, int): raise ValueError( 'Value for iter_warmup must be a non-negative integer,' ' found {}.'.format(self.iter_warmup) ) if self.iter_warmup > 0 and not self.adapt_engaged: raise ValueError( 'Argument "adapt_engaged" is False, ' 'cannot specify warmup iterations.' ) if self.iter_sampling is not None: if self.iter_sampling < 0 or not isinstance( self.iter_sampling, int ): raise ValueError( 'Argument "iter_sampling" must be a non-negative integer,' ' found {}.'.format(self.iter_sampling) ) if self.thin is not None: if self.thin < 1 or not isinstance(self.thin, int): raise ValueError( 'Argument "thin" must be a positive integer,' 'found {}.'.format(self.thin) ) if self.max_treedepth is not None: if self.max_treedepth < 1 or not isinstance( self.max_treedepth, int ): raise ValueError( 'Argument "max_treedepth" must be a positive integer,' ' found {}.'.format(self.max_treedepth) ) if self.step_size is not None: if isinstance(self.step_size, (float, int)): if self.step_size <= 0: raise ValueError( 'Argument "step_size" must be > 0, ' 'found {}.'.format(self.step_size) ) else: if len(self.step_size) != chains: raise ValueError( 'Expecting {} per-chain step_size specifications, ' ' found {}.'.format(chains, len(self.step_size)) ) for i, step_size in enumerate(self.step_size): if step_size < 0: raise ValueError( 'Argument "step_size" must be > 0, ' 'chain {}, found {}.'.format(i + 1, step_size) ) if self.metric is not None: if isinstance(self.metric, str): if self.metric in ['diag', 'diag_e']: self.metric_type = 'diag_e' elif self.metric in ['dense', 'dense_e']: self.metric_type = 'dense_e' elif self.metric in ['unit', 'unit_e']: self.metric_type = 'unit_e' else: if not os.path.exists(self.metric): raise ValueError('no such file {}'.format(self.metric)) dims = read_metric(self.metric) if len(dims) == 1: self.metric_type = 'diag_e' else: self.metric_type = 'dense_e' self.metric_file = self.metric elif isinstance(self.metric, Dict): if 'inv_metric' not in self.metric: raise ValueError( 'Entry "inv_metric" not found in metric dict.' ) dims = list(np.asarray(self.metric['inv_metric']).shape) if len(dims) == 1: self.metric_type = 'diag_e' else: self.metric_type = 'dense_e' dict_file = create_named_text_file( dir=_TMPDIR, prefix="metric", suffix=".json" ) write_stan_json(dict_file, self.metric) self.metric_file = dict_file elif isinstance(self.metric, (list, tuple)): if len(self.metric) != chains: raise ValueError( 'Number of metric files must match number of chains,' ' found {} metric files for {} chains.'.format( len(self.metric), chains ) ) if all(isinstance(elem, dict) for elem in self.metric): metric_files: List[str] = [] for i, metric in enumerate(self.metric): metric_dict: Dict[str, Any] = metric # type: ignore if 'inv_metric' not in metric_dict: raise ValueError( 'Entry "inv_metric" not found in metric dict ' 'for chain {}.'.format(i + 1) ) if i == 0: dims = list( np.asarray(metric_dict['inv_metric']).shape ) else: dims2 = list( np.asarray(metric_dict['inv_metric']).shape ) if dims != dims2: raise ValueError( 'Found inconsistent "inv_metric" entry ' 'for chain {}: entry has dims ' '{}, expected {}.'.format( i + 1, dims, dims2 ) ) dict_file = create_named_text_file( dir=_TMPDIR, prefix="metric", suffix=".json" ) write_stan_json(dict_file, metric_dict) metric_files.append(dict_file) if len(dims) == 1: self.metric_type = 'diag_e' else: self.metric_type = 'dense_e' self.metric_file = metric_files elif all(isinstance(elem, str) for elem in self.metric): metric_files = [] for i, metric in enumerate(self.metric): assert isinstance(metric, str) # typecheck if not os.path.exists(metric): raise ValueError('no such file {}'.format(metric)) if i == 0: dims = read_metric(metric) else: dims2 = read_metric(metric) if len(dims) != len(dims2): raise ValueError( 'Metrics files {}, {},' ' inconsistent metrics'.format( self.metric[0], metric ) ) if dims != dims2: raise ValueError( 'Metrics files {}, {},' ' inconsistent metrics'.format( self.metric[0], metric ) ) metric_files.append(metric) if len(dims) == 1: self.metric_type = 'diag_e' else: self.metric_type = 'dense_e' self.metric_file = metric_files else: raise ValueError( 'Argument "metric" must be a list of pathnames or ' 'Python dicts, found list of {}.'.format( type(self.metric[0]) ) ) else: raise ValueError( 'Invalid metric specified, not a recognized metric type, ' 'must be either a metric type name, a filepath, dict, ' 'or list of per-chain filepaths or dicts. Found ' 'an object of type {}.'.format(type(self.metric)) ) if self.adapt_delta is not None: if not 0 < self.adapt_delta < 1: raise ValueError( 'Argument "adapt_delta" must be between 0 and 1,' ' found {}'.format(self.adapt_delta) ) if self.adapt_init_phase is not None: if self.adapt_init_phase < 0 or not isinstance( self.adapt_init_phase, int ): raise ValueError( 'Argument "adapt_init_phase" must be a non-negative ' 'integer, found {}'.format(self.adapt_init_phase) ) if self.adapt_metric_window is not None: if self.adapt_metric_window < 0 or not isinstance( self.adapt_metric_window, int ): raise ValueError( 'Argument "adapt_metric_window" must be a non-negative ' ' integer, found {}'.format(self.adapt_metric_window) ) if self.adapt_step_size is not None: if self.adapt_step_size < 0 or not isinstance( self.adapt_step_size, int ): raise ValueError( 'Argument "adapt_step_size" must be a non-negative integer,' 'found {}'.format(self.adapt_step_size) ) if self.fixed_param and ( self.max_treedepth is not None or self.metric is not None or self.step_size is not None or not ( self.adapt_delta is None and self.adapt_init_phase is None and self.adapt_metric_window is None and self.adapt_step_size is None ) ): raise ValueError( 'When fixed_param=True, cannot specify adaptation parameters.' )
[docs] def compose(self, idx: int, cmd: List[str]) -> List[str]: """ Compose CmdStan command for method-specific non-default arguments. """ cmd.append('method=sample') if self.iter_sampling is not None: cmd.append('num_samples={}'.format(self.iter_sampling)) if self.iter_warmup is not None: cmd.append('num_warmup={}'.format(self.iter_warmup)) if self.save_warmup: cmd.append('save_warmup=1') if self.thin is not None: cmd.append('thin={}'.format(self.thin)) if self.fixed_param: cmd.append('algorithm=fixed_param') return cmd else: cmd.append('algorithm=hmc') if self.max_treedepth is not None: cmd.append('engine=nuts') cmd.append('max_depth={}'.format(self.max_treedepth)) if self.step_size is not None: if not isinstance(self.step_size, list): cmd.append('stepsize={}'.format(self.step_size)) else: cmd.append('stepsize={}'.format(self.step_size[idx])) if self.metric is not None: cmd.append('metric={}'.format(self.metric_type)) if self.metric_file is not None: if not isinstance(self.metric_file, list): cmd.append('metric_file={}'.format(self.metric_file)) else: cmd.append('metric_file={}'.format(self.metric_file[idx])) cmd.append('adapt') if self.adapt_engaged: cmd.append('engaged=1') else: cmd.append('engaged=0') if self.adapt_delta is not None: cmd.append('delta={}'.format(self.adapt_delta)) if self.adapt_init_phase is not None: cmd.append('init_buffer={}'.format(self.adapt_init_phase)) if self.adapt_metric_window is not None: cmd.append('window={}'.format(self.adapt_metric_window)) if self.adapt_step_size is not None: cmd.append('term_buffer={}'.format(self.adapt_step_size)) return cmd
[docs]class OptimizeArgs: """Container for arguments for the optimizer.""" OPTIMIZE_ALGOS = {'BFGS', 'bfgs', 'LBFGS', 'lbfgs', 'Newton', 'newton'} def __init__( self, algorithm: Optional[str] = None, init_alpha: Optional[float] = None, iter: Optional[int] = None, save_iterations: bool = False, tol_obj: Optional[float] = None, tol_rel_obj: Optional[float] = None, tol_grad: Optional[float] = None, tol_rel_grad: Optional[float] = None, tol_param: Optional[float] = None, history_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: self.algorithm = algorithm self.init_alpha = init_alpha self.iter = iter self.save_iterations = save_iterations self.tol_obj = tol_obj self.tol_rel_obj = tol_rel_obj self.tol_grad = tol_grad self.tol_rel_grad = tol_rel_grad self.tol_param = tol_param self.history_size = history_size self.thin = None
[docs] def validate( self, chains: Optional[int] = None # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> None: """ Check arguments correctness and consistency. """ if ( self.algorithm is not None and self.algorithm not in self.OPTIMIZE_ALGOS ): raise ValueError( 'Please specify optimizer algorithms as one of [{}]'.format( ', '.join(self.OPTIMIZE_ALGOS) ) ) if self.init_alpha is not None: if self.algorithm == 'Newton': raise ValueError( 'init_alpha must not be set when algorithm is Newton' ) if isinstance(self.init_alpha, float): if self.init_alpha <= 0: raise ValueError('init_alpha must be greater than 0') else: raise ValueError('init_alpha must be type of float') if self.iter is not None: if isinstance(self.iter, int): if self.iter < 0: raise ValueError('iter must be greater than 0') else: raise ValueError('iter must be type of int') if self.tol_obj is not None: if self.algorithm == 'Newton': raise ValueError( 'tol_obj must not be set when algorithm is Newton' ) if isinstance(self.tol_obj, float): if self.tol_obj <= 0: raise ValueError('tol_obj must be greater than 0') else: raise ValueError('tol_obj must be type of float') if self.tol_rel_obj is not None: if self.algorithm == 'Newton': raise ValueError( 'tol_rel_obj must not be set when algorithm is Newton' ) if isinstance(self.tol_rel_obj, float): if self.tol_rel_obj <= 0: raise ValueError('tol_rel_obj must be greater than 0') else: raise ValueError('tol_rel_obj must be type of float') if self.tol_grad is not None: if self.algorithm == 'Newton': raise ValueError( 'tol_grad must not be set when algorithm is Newton' ) if isinstance(self.tol_grad, float): if self.tol_grad <= 0: raise ValueError('tol_grad must be greater than 0') else: raise ValueError('tol_grad must be type of float') if self.tol_rel_grad is not None: if self.algorithm == 'Newton': raise ValueError( 'tol_rel_grad must not be set when algorithm is Newton' ) if isinstance(self.tol_rel_grad, float): if self.tol_rel_grad <= 0: raise ValueError('tol_rel_grad must be greater than 0') else: raise ValueError('tol_rel_grad must be type of float') if self.tol_param is not None: if self.algorithm == 'Newton': raise ValueError( 'tol_param must not be set when algorithm is Newton' ) if isinstance(self.tol_param, float): if self.tol_param <= 0: raise ValueError('tol_param must be greater than 0') else: raise ValueError('tol_param must be type of float') if self.history_size is not None: if self.algorithm == 'Newton' or self.algorithm == 'BFGS': raise ValueError( 'history_size must not be set when algorithm is ' 'Newton or BFGS' ) if isinstance(self.history_size, int): if self.history_size < 0: raise ValueError('history_size must be greater than 0') else: raise ValueError('history_size must be type of int')
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def compose(self, idx: int, cmd: List[str]) -> List[str]: """compose command string for CmdStan for non-default arg values.""" cmd.append('method=optimize') if self.algorithm: cmd.append('algorithm={}'.format(self.algorithm.lower())) if self.init_alpha is not None: cmd.append('init_alpha={}'.format(self.init_alpha)) if self.tol_obj is not None: cmd.append('tol_obj={}'.format(self.tol_obj)) if self.tol_rel_obj is not None: cmd.append('tol_rel_obj={}'.format(self.tol_rel_obj)) if self.tol_grad is not None: cmd.append('tol_grad={}'.format(self.tol_grad)) if self.tol_rel_grad is not None: cmd.append('tol_rel_grad={}'.format(self.tol_rel_grad)) if self.tol_param is not None: cmd.append('tol_param={}'.format(self.tol_param)) if self.history_size is not None: cmd.append('history_size={}'.format(self.history_size)) if self.iter is not None: cmd.append('iter={}'.format(self.iter)) if self.save_iterations: cmd.append('save_iterations=1') return cmd
class GenerateQuantitiesArgs: """Arguments needed for generate_quantities method.""" def __init__(self, csv_files: List[str]) -> None: """Initialize object.""" self.sample_csv_files = csv_files def validate( self, chains: Optional[int] = None # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> None: """ Check arguments correctness and consistency. * check that sample csv files exist """ for csv in self.sample_csv_files: if not os.path.exists(csv): raise ValueError( 'Invalid path for sample csv file: {}'.format(csv) ) def compose(self, idx: int, cmd: List[str]) -> List[str]: """ Compose CmdStan command for method-specific non-default arguments. """ cmd.append('method=generate_quantities') cmd.append('fitted_params={}'.format(self.sample_csv_files[idx])) return cmd
[docs]class VariationalArgs: """Arguments needed for variational method.""" VARIATIONAL_ALGOS = {'meanfield', 'fullrank'} def __init__( self, algorithm: Optional[str] = None, iter: Optional[int] = None, grad_samples: Optional[int] = None, elbo_samples: Optional[int] = None, eta: Optional[float] = None, adapt_iter: Optional[int] = None, adapt_engaged: bool = True, tol_rel_obj: Optional[float] = None, eval_elbo: Optional[int] = None, output_samples: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: self.algorithm = algorithm self.iter = iter self.grad_samples = grad_samples self.elbo_samples = elbo_samples self.eta = eta self.adapt_iter = adapt_iter self.adapt_engaged = adapt_engaged self.tol_rel_obj = tol_rel_obj self.eval_elbo = eval_elbo self.output_samples = output_samples
[docs] def validate( self, chains: Optional[int] = None # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> None: """ Check arguments correctness and consistency. """ if ( self.algorithm is not None and self.algorithm not in self.VARIATIONAL_ALGOS ): raise ValueError( 'Please specify variational algorithms as one of [{}]'.format( ', '.join(self.VARIATIONAL_ALGOS) ) ) if self.iter is not None: if self.iter < 1 or not isinstance(self.iter, int): raise ValueError( 'iter must be a positive integer,' ' found {}'.format(self.iter) ) if self.grad_samples is not None: if self.grad_samples < 1 or not isinstance(self.grad_samples, int): raise ValueError( 'grad_samples must be a positive integer,' ' found {}'.format(self.grad_samples) ) if self.elbo_samples is not None: if self.elbo_samples < 1 or not isinstance(self.elbo_samples, int): raise ValueError( 'elbo_samples must be a positive integer,' ' found {}'.format(self.elbo_samples) ) if self.eta is not None: if self.eta < 0 or not isinstance(self.eta, (int, float)): raise ValueError( 'eta must be a non-negative number,' ' found {}'.format(self.eta) ) if self.adapt_iter is not None: if self.adapt_iter < 1 or not isinstance(self.adapt_iter, int): raise ValueError( 'adapt_iter must be a positive integer,' ' found {}'.format(self.adapt_iter) ) if self.tol_rel_obj is not None: if self.tol_rel_obj <= 0 or not isinstance( self.tol_rel_obj, (int, float) ): raise ValueError( 'tol_rel_obj must be a positive number,' ' found {}'.format(self.tol_rel_obj) ) if self.eval_elbo is not None: if self.eval_elbo < 1 or not isinstance(self.eval_elbo, int): raise ValueError( 'eval_elbo must be a positive integer,' ' found {}'.format(self.eval_elbo) ) if self.output_samples is not None: if self.output_samples < 1 or not isinstance( self.output_samples, int ): raise ValueError( 'output_samples must be a positive integer,' ' found {}'.format(self.output_samples) )
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def compose(self, idx: int, cmd: List[str]) -> List[str]: """ Compose CmdStan command for method-specific non-default arguments. """ cmd.append('method=variational') if self.algorithm is not None: cmd.append('algorithm={}'.format(self.algorithm)) if self.iter is not None: cmd.append('iter={}'.format(self.iter)) if self.grad_samples is not None: cmd.append('grad_samples={}'.format(self.grad_samples)) if self.elbo_samples is not None: cmd.append('elbo_samples={}'.format(self.elbo_samples)) if self.eta is not None: cmd.append('eta={}'.format(self.eta)) cmd.append('adapt') if self.adapt_engaged: cmd.append('engaged=1') if self.adapt_iter is not None: cmd.append('iter={}'.format(self.adapt_iter)) else: cmd.append('engaged=0') if self.tol_rel_obj is not None: cmd.append('tol_rel_obj={}'.format(self.tol_rel_obj)) if self.eval_elbo is not None: cmd.append('eval_elbo={}'.format(self.eval_elbo)) if self.output_samples is not None: cmd.append('output_samples={}'.format(self.output_samples)) return cmd
[docs]class CmdStanArgs: """ Container for CmdStan command line arguments. Consists of arguments common to all methods and and an object which contains the method-specific arguments. """ def __init__( self, model_name: str, model_exe: OptionalPath, chain_ids: Optional[List[int]], method_args: Union[ SamplerArgs, OptimizeArgs, GenerateQuantitiesArgs, VariationalArgs ], data: Union[Mapping[str, Any], str, None] = None, seed: Union[int, List[int], None] = None, inits: Union[int, float, str, List[str], None] = None, output_dir: OptionalPath = None, sig_figs: Optional[int] = None, save_latent_dynamics: bool = False, save_profile: bool = False, refresh: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize object.""" self.model_name = model_name self.model_exe = model_exe self.chain_ids = chain_ids = data self.seed = seed self.inits = inits self.output_dir = output_dir self.sig_figs = sig_figs self.save_latent_dynamics = save_latent_dynamics self.save_profile = save_profile self.refresh = refresh self.method_args = method_args if isinstance(method_args, SamplerArgs): self.method = Method.SAMPLE elif isinstance(method_args, OptimizeArgs): self.method = Method.OPTIMIZE elif isinstance(method_args, GenerateQuantitiesArgs): self.method = Method.GENERATE_QUANTITIES elif isinstance(method_args, VariationalArgs): self.method = Method.VARIATIONAL self.method_args.validate(len(chain_ids) if chain_ids else None) self.validate()
[docs] def validate(self) -> None: """ Check arguments correctness and consistency. * input files must exist * output files must be in a writeable directory * if no seed specified, set random seed. * length of per-chain lists equals specified # of chains """ if self.model_name is None: raise ValueError('no stan model specified') if self.model_exe is None: raise ValueError('model not compiled') if self.chain_ids is not None: for chain_id in self.chain_ids: if chain_id < 1: raise ValueError('invalid chain_id {}'.format(chain_id)) if self.output_dir is not None: self.output_dir = os.path.realpath( os.path.expanduser(self.output_dir) ) if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir): try: os.makedirs(self.output_dir) get_logger().info( 'created output directory: %s', self.output_dir ) except (RuntimeError, PermissionError) as exc: raise ValueError( 'Invalid path for output files, ' 'no such dir: {}.'.format(self.output_dir) ) from exc if not os.path.isdir(self.output_dir): raise ValueError( 'Specified output_dir is not a directory: {}.'.format( self.output_dir ) ) try: testpath = os.path.join(self.output_dir, str(time())) with open(testpath, 'w+'): pass os.remove(testpath) # cleanup except Exception as exc: raise ValueError( 'Invalid path for output files,' ' cannot write to dir: {}.'.format(self.output_dir) ) from exc if self.refresh is not None: if not isinstance(self.refresh, int) or self.refresh < 1: raise ValueError( 'Argument "refresh" must be a positive integer value, ' 'found {}.'.format(self.refresh) ) if self.sig_figs is not None: if ( not isinstance(self.sig_figs, int) or self.sig_figs < 1 or self.sig_figs > 18 ): raise ValueError( 'Argument "sig_figs" must be an integer between 1 and 18,' ' found {}'.format(self.sig_figs) ) # TODO: remove at some future release if cmdstan_version_before(2, 25): self.sig_figs = None get_logger().warning( 'Argument "sig_figs" invalid for CmdStan versions < 2.25, ' 'using version %s in directory %s', os.path.basename(cmdstan_path()), os.path.dirname(cmdstan_path()), ) if self.seed is None: rng = RandomState() self.seed = rng.randint(1, 99999 + 1) else: if not isinstance(self.seed, (int, list)): raise ValueError( 'Argument "seed" must be an integer between ' '0 and 2**32-1, found {}.'.format(self.seed) ) if isinstance(self.seed, int): if self.seed < 0 or self.seed > 2**32 - 1: raise ValueError( 'Argument "seed" must be an integer between ' '0 and 2**32-1, found {}.'.format(self.seed) ) else: if self.chain_ids is None: raise ValueError( 'List of per-chain seeds cannot be evaluated without ' 'corresponding list of chain_ids.' ) if len(self.seed) != len(self.chain_ids): raise ValueError( 'Number of seeds must match number of chains,' ' found {} seed for {} chains.'.format( len(self.seed), len(self.chain_ids) ) ) for seed in self.seed: if seed < 0 or seed > 2**32 - 1: raise ValueError( 'Argument "seed" must be an integer value' ' between 0 and 2**32-1,' ' found {}'.format(seed) ) if isinstance(, str): if not os.path.exists( raise ValueError('no such file {}'.format( elif is not None and not isinstance(, (str, dict)): raise ValueError('Argument "data" must be string or dict') if self.inits is not None: if isinstance(self.inits, (float, int)): if self.inits < 0: raise ValueError( 'Argument "inits" must be > 0, found {}'.format( self.inits ) ) elif isinstance(self.inits, str): if not os.path.exists(self.inits): raise ValueError('no such file {}'.format(self.inits)) elif isinstance(self.inits, list): if self.chain_ids is None: raise ValueError( 'List of inits files cannot be evaluated without ' 'corresponding list of chain_ids.' ) if len(self.inits) != len(self.chain_ids): raise ValueError( 'Number of inits files must match number of chains,' ' found {} inits files for {} chains.'.format( len(self.inits), len(self.chain_ids) ) ) for inits in self.inits: if not os.path.exists(inits): raise ValueError('no such file {}'.format(inits))
[docs] def compose_command( self, idx: int, csv_file: str, *, diagnostic_file: Optional[str] = None, profile_file: Optional[str] = None, num_chains: Optional[int] = None ) -> List[str]: """ Compose CmdStan command for non-default arguments. """ cmd: List[str] = [] if idx is not None and self.chain_ids is not None: if idx < 0 or idx > len(self.chain_ids) - 1: raise ValueError( 'index ({}) exceeds number of chains ({})'.format( idx, len(self.chain_ids) ) ) cmd.append(self.model_exe) # type: ignore # guaranteed by validate cmd.append('id={}'.format(self.chain_ids[idx])) else: cmd.append(self.model_exe) # type: ignore # guaranteed by validate if self.seed is not None: if not isinstance(self.seed, list): cmd.append('random') cmd.append('seed={}'.format(self.seed)) else: cmd.append('random') cmd.append('seed={}'.format(self.seed[idx])) if is not None: cmd.append('data') cmd.append('file={}'.format( if self.inits is not None: if not isinstance(self.inits, list): cmd.append('init={}'.format(self.inits)) else: cmd.append('init={}'.format(self.inits[idx])) cmd.append('output') cmd.append('file={}'.format(csv_file)) if diagnostic_file: cmd.append('diagnostic_file={}'.format(diagnostic_file)) if profile_file: cmd.append('profile_file={}'.format(profile_file)) if self.refresh is not None: cmd.append('refresh={}'.format(self.refresh)) if self.sig_figs is not None: cmd.append('sig_figs={}'.format(self.sig_figs)) cmd = self.method_args.compose(idx, cmd) if num_chains: cmd.append('num_chains={}'.format(num_chains)) return cmd